Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Parsley For Your Skin

Parsley contains a high concentration of vitamin C, iron and is a good source of manganese. It also contains calcium and is a great source of potassium.

The benefits these vitamins and minerals have on your skin is well know.

Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant and in conjunction with protein, is necessary for the production of collagen - the glue that holds us and our skin together and circumvents sags or wrinkles.

It regulates sebaceous glands to keep skin from drying out; helps prevent facial lines, wrinkles and spider veins.

The use of Parsley is not restricted to culinary applications. Sure, parsley is a common ingredient in sauces, soups, rissoles, mince and salads, etc., however, parsley also has medicinal applications.

Herbalists may choose to use parsley in their treatment approach to dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, as a diuretic, anti-flatulent and/or to stimulate appetite.

Other constituents found in Parsley The essential oil comprising apiol, apiolin, myristicin, pinene. In addition to the ingredients listed earlier, parsley also contains flavonoids, a glucoside, apiin, and pro-vitamin A.

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