Monday, April 21, 2008

My Asthma Inhaler

Recently I became very depressed when my asthma inhaler was lost.

I felt much better when I found myself not needing it for few weeks...

I heard that soon all rescue inhalers will be changed to what are known as earth-friendly rescue inhalers.

Until now, the albuterol inhaler may have used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) to deliver the medicine into our lungs.

CFCs are safe for us , but hurt the environment.

The United States is requiring all inhalers to change to hydrofluoroalkane (HFA), an earth-friendly alternative to CFC.

This change will help make the air better for everyone.
HFA inhalers contain the same medicine and provide the same relief as your current CFC inhaler.

Inhaler Technique br sister Pat Jones :

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