Monday, November 23, 2009

How to read Food Labels ?

Do you read the Nutrition Facts food labels when you shop? Since 1994, the FDA has required these labels to be placed on most food packaging. The Nutrition Facts food labels are easy to find on the back, side or bottom of the packaging.

The black and white Nutrition Facts labels may be formatted vertically or horizontally (the vertical version is more common). Small packages may have an abbreviated version of the label.

For example, this is a food label like one that you would see on a can of condensed chicken noodle soup. It looks like a lot of information to understand all at once, so let's look at the Nutrition Facts food label one section at a time.

Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Cure Bad Breath ?

In 80 to 90 % of cases, it's due to something in the mouth. Most often, it's nothing more serious than a dirty mouth.

, the nearly invisible film of bacteria that's constantly forming in your mouth, is often responsible for bad breath. Other dental culprits include cavities and gum disease.

Occasionally, bad breath is due to something in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract or to a systemic (bodywide) infection.

However, eating a garlicky meal is one of the most common causes.

The strong odors of foods such as garlic, onions and alcohol are carried through the bloodstream and exhaled by the lungs. Another big loser when it comes to bad breath is tobacco.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Electric cigarette

According to the World Health Orgnaisation (WHO) 20% of the worldwide population are smokers.
The legal environment in Europe is limiting the places where one can smoke in public.
More and more public places, like airports, railway stations, restaurants, and the workplace, have established or become no-smoking zones. Smokers often have to remain "outside".
Electric cigarette by
RUYAN products offer enjoyment without harmful substances.
Not only that, we bring smokers and non-smokers back together again -- wherever smoking has been forbidden -- no passive smoking for family members, and your immediate.
"Healthier" smoking is quite simple: Inside of each RUYAN product, you will find an electric vaporizer soaked in nicotine (four different nicotine strengths to choose from -- high, med, low, no).